Students » Attendance Requirements

Attendance Requirements

IMPORTANT - Attendance Information and Codes Explained


Attendance is very important to your child’s education.  If they are not here, they are losing out on important materials being taught by their teachers.  They MUST be present in EACH class at least 90% of the school year to prevent failure and/or truancy charges.

NOTE:  Unlike elementary, who takes attendance one time per day, Middle School and High School takes attendance in each of the seven class periods.  If a student is not here and in class at 8:00 am, they are counted tardy (or absent after 8:15 am). Students who are checked out early will be counted absent for any classes they are not in. These contribute to absence counts. We will need a doctor note or parent note each time they are absent, even if you’ve signed them out at the attendance desk.  Signing them out or calling on the phone doesn’t count as excused without an actual paper document.


Attendance Codes Explained:

U – Unexcused absence

This absence shows no parent note or will be used when parent notes have exceeded the limit of 3 per semester as stated in the student handbook.  After 8:15 am, a student is considered absent in 1st period.

A – Excused Parent note

Even though it is excused, an A is still counted as an absence.  Parent notes are limited to 3 per semester as stated in the student handbook.

D – Doctor Note All Day

A doctor note means the student had a doctor’s appointment, hospitalized, etc.  It is excused, but will still be counted as an absence.

M – Doctor Note Partial Day

This is a doctor note that shows a student has attended school for part of the school day.  These are excused and are NOT counted as an absence.

J – ISS - In School Suspension. 

This is not an absence since the student is at school.

O – Other School Related Absence

Field trips fall under this coding and are not counted as an absence.  Students must be with the group.  This does not pertain to a student who is picked up by and travels with a parent to attend.

B – Band Related Absence

Band trips – not counted as an absence (must be a band member)

E – School-related Athletic absence – Athletic trips - not an absence – students picked up by parents to attend these events are not excused without a parent note.